Modifying Billing Activity (Customer Record)

This article goes over adding credits, invoices, and payments to a customer's billing activity.

Step 1 - Customer Summary

Select the 'Customers' tab from the left sidebar. 

You will be shown the Customer Summary page for the business you have selected.


Step 2 - Billing Activity

1. Click on the triple dot icon on the customer you wish to edit. For help finding a specific customer, see Searching For a Customer

2. Refer to the 'Billing Activity Summary' section near the bottom of the webpage. There are 3 options to add records, those being

  • Add Credit
  • Add Invoice
  • Add Payment

Add Credit - 

Clicking 'Add Credit' will add a credit to the customer's balance, which is to say you are adding an 'account credit' to reduce future transactions by this amount. For example, if your customer has a balance of 0.00, and you give a credit of 15.00, their current balance will be shown as -15.00 , which will reduce a future payment by $15 because payments first check with the account balance and reduce the payment by whatever negative balance exists. 

To add a credit, click on 'Add Credit' 

And fill out this form. 

Clicking 'Save' will add the credit to the 'Billing Activity Summary' for the customer. 


NOTE: The account balance shown on this form is the customer's current balance, not the balance that it will be following your credit. You can optionally leave a note for the transaction in the note field. Remember, amounts are formatted in dollars, so 15 = $15.00. 


Add Invoice - 

This button is to add a charge to the customer's balance, like giving the customer a bill for this amount. For example, if your customer has a 0.00 balance, adding an invoice for 50.00 will give a 50.00 balance on this account, which means the customer 'owes' $50. 

To add an invoice, click on 'Add Invoice' 

And fill out the form. 

Clicking 'Save' will add the invoice to the 'Billing Activity Summary' for the customer. 


NOTE: The account balance shown on this form is the customer's current balance, not the balance that it will be following your invoice. You can optionally leave a note for the transaction in the note field. Remember, amounts are formatted in dollars, so 15 = $15.00. 


Add Payment - 

This button is to add a payment record to the customer's balance, like your customer is paying a bill for this amount. For example, if your customer has a 50.00 balance, adding a payment for 50.00 will give a 0.00 balance on this account, which means the customer has an even balance, and doesn't owe anything. 

To add a payment, click on 'Add Payment' 

And fill out the form. 

The payment form is a little bit different than the other forms. The 'Payment Option' field shows saved payment methods for the customer, which can be selected. Alternatively, you can select 'Add Bank Account' or 'Add Card' to input a new payment method. As usual, you can leave a note for the transaction if desired. 

Clicking 'Save' will add the payment to the 'Billing Activity Summary' for the customer. 


NOTE: The account balance shown on this form is the customer's current balance, not the balance that it will be following your payment. You can optionally leave a note for the transaction in the note field. Remember, amounts are formatted in dollars, so 15 = $15.00. 


This concludes the steps for adding payment records to a customer record.