This article explains how to search and filter your search to find specific customers.
Step 1 - Customer Summary
Select the 'Customers' tab from the left sidebar.
You will be shown the Customer Summary page for the business you have selected.
Step 2 - Finding your Customer or Organization
You can click on the 'Filter Customers' toggle at the top of this screen to filter which customer(s) you are looking for. The filters available are
- ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Organization
- Phone
- Balance
- Status
The list is also shown by this screenshot.
Click on as many filters as you like, fill them out, and click 'Apply Filters' to display all results of your search.
Here is a current list of customers.
After adding the 'Balance' and 'Status' filters, filling in '0.00' for Balance, and 'Active' for 'Status', the results show all customers with a balance of 0.00 with an Active status.