Adding Customers

This tutorial will show the steps necessary for creating a customer or organization record in the Zift portal. Customer records provide access to recurring billing, storing payment information for future processing, and transaction history.

Step 1 - Customer Summary

Select the 'Customers' tab from the left sidebar. 



You will be shown the Customer Summary page for the business you have selected.


Step 2 - Adding a New Customer

From the Customer Summary page, to add a new customer you will click the 'New Customer' button at the top right of your screen, as shown below. 

Step 3 - Customer Info

This step is filling out the fields that are shown. Required fields are shown with an asterisk (*) and the others are optional. 



Remember to click the second tab, labeled 'Billing Details' and fill out those fields as well.



After this, you will click the box labeled 'Save' to save the customer. 

Step 4 - Customer Detail View

After creating the customer's profile, you can click on the three dots to bring up the payment information for the customer. 



This will show a more detailed view of the customer.  



Here, you can view the customer's information, and edit any information you need to. To add any form of payment, subscription, or billing activity, you will get to those from this screen. 

The customer's history will also be shown at the bottom if you select the toggle to display it. 


The customer has been successfully created at this point, and you can navigate back to the 'Customers' tab to view the new customer.


Step 5 (optional) - Payment Option, Subscription Summary, and Billing Activity Summary

 These options shown on this screen may be added if you want to add this information for a customer. If you have any trouble with them, please see their respective tutorials found in the links below

Editing Payment Options

Adding a Subscription

Modifying Billing Activity


This concludes the tutorial for adding a customer record.