Editing Payment Options

This article is to assist with editing the payment options of customers' accounts in the Zift portal.

Step 1 - Select a Customer

Select the 'Customers' tab from the left-hand side of your screen, as shown below.


You should see the list of Customers associated with the selected business. After doing this, select which customer you'd like to edit the payment options of. You can do this by selecting the 3 dots icon on the right-hand side of the customer's information, as shown below. 

This will bring you to the Customer's detail page. 

Step 2 - Payment Options

From the customer's detail page, you can see what payment options are already set up, if any, under the 'Payment Option Summary' section. 

To add payment options, you can click either of the options, 'Add Bank Account' or 'Add Card' in this section, and fill out the form. All fields under 'Payment Details', labeled with an asterisk (*) need to be filled out, although we recommend filling out the second tab, labeled 'Billing Details' to keep track of information. 

After filling out the form, click 'Save' and your newly submitted payment option will show up under the 'Payment Option Summary' section. 

Active/Inactive Payment Options

You have the ability to mark a payment option as 'Active' (default) or 'Inactive'. 

 The difference between Active and Inactive payment options is that Inactive payment options will not be charged for Subscription payments. If a card is being used for subscriptions gets marked as inactive, it will not process successfully next time the subscription attempts to charge. Be wary of this when marking cards as inactive. You may still process one-time transactions with an inactive card.

Cards will automatically mark as inactive when payment fails due to a Hard Decline, but will not be marked inactive due to a Soft Decline. For more information about declines, please read our Decline Types article. 

Cards can be marked as active again at any time, however this does not mean a hard decline may not occur again. For this reason, we strongly recommend determining the cause of the hard decline if one has occurred before attempting to use the card again.