This article goes over how to create and manage plans, which need to be set up in order for customers to subscribe to them.
Step 1 - Plans Summary
Click on the 'Plans' tab on the left-hand side navigation menu.
This will bring you to the 'Plan Summary' page where we can create new plans and modify current plans.
Step 2 - Creating a new Plan
To create a new plan, we will click 'New Plan' on the right side of your screen, near the stop of the page.
This will lead to the new plan form. You leave a name for your plan, the amount the plan will charge, and the billing cycle. The billing cycle can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. Fill these fields out and then click 'Save' to save your new plan to your Plan Summary page.
Step 3 - Managing your Plans
To manage a current plan, you will click the triple dot icon on the right side of the plan you wish to modify.
This brings up the current form for the plan that was selected.
Edit whichever fields you wish to change, and then click 'Save' to save your changes to the plan.